Monday, September 14, 2015

Sunshine Book!

I wanted something that would have extra things in one place, so I made a binder and named it my sunshine book because it's full of happy stuff! 

There are 5 tabs:

This section is full of quotes that I think will be helpful when I'm out there! There's a mix of spiritual and personal, I also left empty pages so I can add more because I'm sure I will.

I printed an empty calendar template from! Then I added all the months and dates I'll be gone. I marked important dates, such as birthdays, holidays, and approximate milestones (1 year). Also in this section is a page for addresses and emails. The main purpose of this section is to keep up with home and not miss birthdays so I can write them a cards on time!

This section has a list of workouts for me so I can stay in shape! Theres also a list of healthy foods I like, in case I forget some (it happens) to make planning grocery lists easier! This is where I'll keep some easy recipes too. There are also blank pages so I can add workouts that I might pick up from companions!

I got two of these cool zipper sleeves for letters I need to respond to and letters I've already responded to, just to stay organized. Also this way I can keep all the cool letters I get in one place. This is where I'll keep envelopes and stamps as well.

Probably my favorite section, my pictures of my family and friends! It's in the back in hopes that I won't spend all my time looking at it...I just got a 10 pack of sleeve covers, and cut scrapbook paper the right size and placed pictures in there. It looks nice and it's very easy! I also left 7 pages with scrapbook paper empty so I can add pictures as I go, cause nieces and nephews grow fast! And updated pictures will be nice.

Also in the VERY back, I'm going to keep important documents and pre-made cards for birthdays, or thank you's, or whatever else I need them for!

Thanks for stopping by =)

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